Europe, along with Ukraine, is ramping up the production of 155-mm ammunition. French defense plant Les Forges de Tarbes, which was on the brink of closure in 2021, is now running at full capacity, fulfilling orders for 155-mm artillery shells. The priority is to support Ukraine... #AmmunitionFactory #ArtilleryShells #DefenseIndustryEU #KNDS #LesForgesDeTarbes #Nammo
The manufacturer of Leopard tanks and other weapons has formed a joint venture with a Ukrainian company. Minister for Strategic Industries Herman Smetanin announced the official opening of a joint venture between KMW (KNDS Deutschland) and a Ukrainian defense enterprise. The newly created company will sp... #DefenseIndustryUkraine #HermanSmetanin #KNDS #LeopardBattleTanks #WeaponsProduction
A manufacturer of Leopard tanks and Caesar howitzers will repair military equipment in Kyiv and plans to produce ammunition and spare parts with Ukraine. One of the largest arms manufacturers in Europe, the French-German conglomerate KNDS, has opened a branch in Ukraine, as announced by the defense ministers of France and Germany in March. KNDS Ukraine... #CaesarHowitzers #KNDS #LeopardBattleTanks #MilitaryEquipmentRepair