Following Russian attacks, Ukrainian gas production has decreased by 40%, forcing it to import fuel. After Russian missile strikes on gas infrastructure, gas production in Ukraine has decreased by 40%. In February and March, Ukraine plans to import up to 800 million cubic meters of blue fuel from Eur... #GasInfrastructure #GasMininginUkraine #GasstorageUkraine #HeatingSeasonUkraine #Naftogaz #RussianAttackonUkraine #WarinUkraine
Ukrgazvydobuvannya has increased the production from old wells. In 2021, State-owned gas producer Ukrgazvydobuvannya increased gas production from old wells by 67 M cubic meters due to capillary systems. Due to new technology, the company increased gas production ... #gasmining #GasMininginUkraine #GasProduction #UkraineGasProduction
Naftogaz attracts investors to the development of the Ukrainian gas market. On October 20-21, the Ukrainian Gas Investment Congress will take place in Kyiv at the initiative of Naftogaz Ukraine and with the support of the Ministry of Energy. #GasExtraction #GasMarketinUkraine #GasMininginUkraine #UkraineGasMarket