The international order is shifting dramatically under Trump – what does it mean for Ukraine? Ukraine Business Network (UBN Network) and Ukraine Business News (UBN) held a live event titled “War & Investments” in Kyiv on March 14. The main topic of discussion was Ukraine’s outl... #AndrewPryma #ArsenZhumadilov #BusinessNetworkInUkraine #DmytroPonomarenko #InvestinUkraine #MarkMcNamee #OleksdandrMerezhko #PeterDickinson #UBNnetwork #UkraineBusinessNetwork #ukrainebusinessnews #vodafone #VodafoneUkraine #ИгорьМазепа
This year, deposits in Ukraine are growing faster than loans, and bankers note growing saving accounts and confidence in banks on the part of Ukrainians. Commenting on the latest financial trends in Ukraine during the recent War & Business conference, the chairman of the board of Piraeus Bank in Ukraine, Yannis Kyriakopoulos, noted that currently, ... #AndrewPryma #PiraeusBank #UBNnetwork #UkraineBusinessNetwork #War&Business #WarandBusiness #YannisKyriakopoulos
The indissoluble link between business and war: UBN held a second event in Kyiv On a still cool but already spring day, amid a tangle of bad news and public concerns about the future hanging in the air of Kyiv’s streets, a circle of selected business investors, entrepreneur... #AndrewPryma #DentonsLaw #GennadiyChizhykov #IoannisKyriakopoulos #OleksiyReznikov #OlhaStrefanishyna #PavloNarozhyi #PiraeusBank #SergiiRud #UBNnetwork #UkraineBusinessNetwork #ukrainebusinessnews #VolodymyrMonastyrsky #WinnerGroup
War & Business: The Ukraine Business Network has been launched. Tucked away amid the sloping hills of Kyiv, a select group of business investors, representatives, and entrepreneurs gathered at the Parkoviy Congress Center to gain insight into investment prospects ... #AndrewPryma #DoingBusinessDuringWar #MarcMcNamee #ubn #UBNnetwork #UkraineBusinessDuringWar #UkraineBusinessNetwork #ukrainebusinessnews #War&Business #WarandBusiness #WarandUkraineBusiness