State company Naftogaz plans to modernize gas production in Ukraine.

To optimize the development of natural gas, the company will rely on the US’ experience, writes NI. The publication notes that Ukraine can become an energy-independent country in six years if it invests $20B in oil and gas production, pipeline infrastructure, and processing.
Naftogaz has long been hampered by relatively crude natural gas development technologies that were inspired by Russia. However, CEO Oleksiy Chernyshov plans to modernize the company’s methods of natural gas development in Ukraine, primarily using experience from the US.
It is noted that in April, Chernyshov arrived in Washington to talk with representatives of the American oil giants ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Halliburton and to receive political support from members of the US Congress regarding US investment in Ukraine’s energy sector.
In 2023, the Naftogaz Group plans to increase gas production by 8% compared to 2022.