Starting today, trucks are not allowed to enter the capital on the M-06 highway from Zhytomyr during weekday rush hours
Friday, November 8, 2019

Starting today, trucks are not allowed to enter the capital on the M-06 highway from Zhytomyr during weekday rush hours: from 7:00 to 10:00, and from 17:00 to 20:00. Following the practice of many large European cities, the rush hour truck ban will spread to all highways leading into Kyiv. “During rush hours — evening and morning — we will restrict entry,” Yuriy Zozulya, head of Kyiv’s Patrol Police, tells the Center for Transportation Technologies. “Trucks will park at the entrances to Kyiv…As soon as commuters arrive at work, we will start trucks.” From all directions, up to 50,000 trucks drive into Kyiv daily.