South Korean HD Hyundai will build a customs and logistics hub in the Lviv region.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025
South Korean HD Hyundai will build a customs and logistics hub in the Lviv region.

The First Deputy Chairman of the Lviv Regional Development Agency, Andriy Godyk, met with representatives from the South Korean company HD Hyundai XiteSolution to discuss the supply of specialized equipment for infrastructure restoration and Korean aid programs.

The talks centered on the creation of a customs and logistics hub and a training center and localizing production in the Lviv region. Following the meeting, representatives from the South Korean company will prepare a concept for the projects that were presented. In the future, these concepts will be agreed upon by the governments of both countries. Also, the Lviv Regional Development Agency will provide proposals for existing facilities or land plots suitable to implement the investment project and for existing training centers for vocational training and retraining.

HD Hyundai is one of the largest South Korean conglomerates that is engaged in shipbuilding, heavy equipment manufacturing, mechanical engineering, and the oil industry.


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