Separately, China’s plans to buy Motor Sich aircraft engine factory may have been dashed by the election defeat of Vyacheslav Boguslayev, the long-serving CEO. Boguslayev attempted last year to sell much of the Zaporizhia-based company to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Separately, China’s plans to buy Motor Sich aircraft engine factory may have been dashed by the election defeat of Vyacheslav Boguslayev, the long-serving CEO.  Boguslayev attempted last year to sell much of the Zaporizhia-based company to

Separately, China’s plans to buy Motor Sich aircraft engine factory may have been dashed by the election defeat of Vyacheslav Boguslayev, the long-serving CEO. Boguslayev attempted last year to sell much of the Zaporizhia-based company to Skyrizon, also known as Beijing Tianjiao Aviation Industry Investment Company. However, Ukraine’s SBU security service stepped in an stopped the sale. Last week, Beijing’s Global Times reports Ukraine’s Antimonopoly Committee was to rule on the sale on Monday. After Zaporizhia turned against Boguslayev, Rada member since 2006, the Committee may decide that local opinion is against the sale.

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Although Kyiv’s hotel occupancy rate only inched up by 1.6% in the last year, to 53

Although Kyiv’s hotel occupancy rate only inched up by 1.6% in the last year, to 53

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In a vote of confidence in a Zelenskiy government, investors bid Ukraine’s GDP warrants up to 81.5 points on Tuesday – up 30% since late May

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