Seeking to diversify gas supplies, Ukrainian planners hailed last July’s test shipment by ERU Trading of gas from Revithoussa, Greece’s LNG terminal, on the Aegean Sea, through Romania to Ukraine.
Monday, September 14, 2020

Seeking to diversify gas supplies, Ukrainian planners hailed last July’s test shipment by ERU Trading of gas from Revithoussa, Greece’s LNG terminal, on the Aegean Sea, through Romania to Ukraine. “The ability to transport gas from the southern [Romanian] direction allows Ukraine to diversify both energy sources and supply routes,” says Serhiy Makogon, general director of Ukraine’s Gas System Operator. Noting that Ukraine’s shipment of Russian gas to Romania has dwindled since January’s launch of Turkish Stream, he says: “The reverse of blue fuel through the trans-Balkan gas corridor gives Ukraine access to liquefied gas from LNG terminals in Greece and Turkey and pipeline gas from the Caspian countries.”