Sanctions are starting to have an effect: contractors are severing ties with the Russian Federation.

Turkey’s Dertyol terminal, which received record volumes of Russian oil last year, will no longer accept cargo from Russia due to increased US sanctions. Global Terminal Services (GTS), which manages the terminal, said it will not accept products of Russian origin or shipped from Russian ports.
GTS Terminal imports, exports, and stores fuel and crude oil. In 2023, it received 11.7 million barrels of Russian oil, 600% more than the total from all shippers in 2021. Exports from the terminal last year increased by almost 400% compared to 2021, to 24.7 million barrels.
In addition, South Korean shipping company Sinokor suspended operations at the Russian port of Skhydnyi in Primorye, as the port operator recently came under US sanctions. The company’s last trip to this port will occur on March 31.
Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden extended for a year the state of emergency that was first introduced back in 2014, following the initial Russian aggression against Ukraine.