Russia spends a record $317M per day on war in Ukraine.

In the first half of 2024, the Russian Federation spent a record ₽5.3T on its military, according to the German Institute for International Security and Affairs. Compared to the same period last year, these expenses increased by 36%, or ₽1.4T. Currently, the aggressor state spends ₽29B ($317M) daily on maintaining its army and purchasing weapons.
Secret spending (money used to purchase weapons for the front) increased the most, to about ₽1T per quarter. In addition, expenditures on ammunition and missiles from Iran and North Korea increased significantly – almost ₽120B in the first quarter and more than ₽150B in the second.
Military expenditures of ₽10.8T are included in 2024’s budget, and their share of total spending – almost 30% – is the highest amount since the Soviet era. Actual expenses may exceed this level by nearly 33%, reaching ₽13.3T, or 7-8% of GDP, by the end of the year. According to analysts, since 2021 military spending has increased by 200%.