Russia produces 200-300% more shells than the West combined, and for 75% less.

Thursday, June 6, 2024
Russia produces 200-300% more shells than the West combined, and for 75% less.

Russia has increased its military production faster than NATO expected, and the countries of the Alliance have taken longer to increase their production than they should have, as stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

The Russian Federation is currently capable of producing several million shells per year. On the other hand, the problems facing the Western military-industrial complex are related to post-Cold War reductions among NATO countries, but the situation is changing. Alliance members are ramping up their munitions production capacity and increasing supplies sent to Ukraine. The US has already doubled production of its 155 mm shells and will soon produce about 100,000 rounds per month.

However, according to the Bain consulting company, Russian factories will be able to make about 4.5 million artillery shells this year, compared to 1.3 million in the EU and the US. Moreover, according to several estimates, Russian shells cost 75% less than Western ones.


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