Results from the second Grain from Ukraine international summit: $100M has been accumulated to continue the initiative.

The International Grain from Ukraine Summit was held in Kyiv on the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933. Lithuania will provide €2M within the framework of the initiative by the end of the year and will increase the transit capacity of the Baltic ports for Ukrainian exports, Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrid Šimonite said at a joint press conference with the presidents of Ukraine and Switzerland.
The leader of Switzerland, Alain Berset, emphasized that his country joined the Grain from Ukraine initiative to guarantee food security and will provide more than €3M.
Meanwhile, Finland will provide Ukraine with €3M in aid to improve food security, where €2M will go to the Grain from Ukraine initiative, and the rest will go for demining.
Sweden will provide more than €8.7M, and Austria will provide €3.8M.
According to President Zelenskyy, $100M has already been raised to continue the Grain from Ukraine program. The president expects that the amount will double during the next year.