Poland is facing problems that it cannot solve without Ukrainians.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Poland is facing problems that it cannot solve without Ukrainians.

It is increasingly difficult for Polish employers to find seasonal workers. This is the second consecutive year Poland has dealt with this shortage, despite the opportunity to earn PLN 5,000-9,000 ($1,250-2,275) in a summer of work in Poland.

Ukrainian citizens  who typically travel to Poland for seasonal jobs in the summer are now choosing Western European countries because of higher wages and the opening of their labor markets following the full-scale invasion, reported EWL.

Seasonal jobs include work in the agricultural sector, construction, and logistics warehouses. Polish employers also offer jobs in the manufacturing, automotive, and service sectors. There is also a shortage of 150,000 to 300,000 drivers in the transport industry.

Poland is trying to satisfy its need for personnel by attracting workers from Asia and Latin America. Over the past two years, the number of work permits issued to Asians and Latin Americans in Poland has increased by almost 300% and will continue to grow.


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