Poland demands new rules for the transit of Ukrainian agricultural products to lift the embargo.

The ban on importing Ukrainian grain to Poland will remain in place until new regulations are developed at the EU level, Polish Minister of Agriculture Czesław Siekierski said.
He said that a good solution would be the introduction of transport licensing with the simultaneous use of transit routes outside of Poland. The minister added that there is always a certain risk, even during transit, that part of the grain and other agricultural products will remain in Poland.
Instead, the State Border Service reported on the situation on the border with Poland: Both directions at the checkpoints, Rawa-Ruska-Hrebenne, Krakovets-Korczowa, Yagodin-Dorohusk are still blocked. As of this morning (January 2, – ed.), 1,620 trucks are standing in queues in these three directions towards Ukraine, most of them at the Yagodin and Rawa-Ruska checkpoints.