Peace summit updates: Switzerland will brief Russia and China; two countries have withdrawn their signatures from the joint communiqué.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Peace summit updates: Switzerland will brief Russia and China; two countries have withdrawn their signatures from the joint communiqué.

Switzerland will discuss the results of the summit with Russia, China, and other countries that were not among the more than 100 countries and international organizations in attendance, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, Ignazio Cassis.

He noted that Switzerland has an active embassy in Moscow, so Cassis plans to discuss the conference results with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. He has similar plans for China, which refused to participate in the summit due to Russia’s absence.

“There are different opinions and ideas about how to continue the path to peace, and they must be united to find a common way forward,” the head of the Swiss Foreign Ministry emphasized.

Meanwhile, Iraq and Jordan withdrew their signatures from the Peace Summit’s joint communique, decreasing the number of signatures to 78, and those who declined signing increasing to 15.

Ukraine is already working to organize the second Peace Summit and is negotiating with several countries to host the event.


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