One of Ukraine’s regions will be rebuilt according to the concept of a blue economy.

Monday, May 20, 2024
One of Ukraine’s regions will be rebuilt according to the concept of a blue economy.

Projects in Mykolaiv are being developed to make the city a center of the blue economy during the post-war reconstruction, said Mayor Oleksandr Sienkevych at the Blue Summit.

As he explained, the blue economy is a set of measures that provide for the most efficient use of water resources based on innovative technologies and a focus on preserving the environment. Mykolaiv has every chance to become ahe center of the blue economy in the Black Sea basin because it is located on two rivers and has access to the sea.

The head of the Ukrainian Association of Business Support Centers, Artem Vashchylenko, noted that it is not only about rebuilding the city but also about raising it to a qualitatively new level and making it more competitive. He added that companies already implement the blue economy in ship repair, water transportation, yachting, and marine biotechnology fields.

Experts call shipping, shipbuilding, ecological ships, and the development of a small-tonnage fleet, which includes a complex for related production and services, important elements of the blue economy.


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