Mining World Ukraine, a show of mining equipment and technology, will take place next week at Kyiv Expo Plaza

Thursday, October 4, 2018
Mining World Ukraine, a show of mining equipment and technology, will take place next week at Kyiv Expo Plaza

Mining World Ukraine, a show of mining equipment and technology, will take place next week at Kyiv Expo Plaza, in Nyvky, western Kyiv. From Oct. 10-12, the show will highlight geotechnologies, mining machinery and transportation equipment. The show takes place as the government seeks to accelerate exploration and production of the nation’s subsoil wealth. So far this year, the State Geological Service, has granted 306 mining permits, halfway towards an expanded 2018 goal of 650, Marina Vasyukova, head of Geonadra’s head of permits, tells Ukrinform.

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