Located on the Donetsk Highway, Zaporizhia airport bills itself as the airport for Ukraine’s Southeast.

Friday, July 12, 2019
Located on the Donetsk Highway, Zaporizhia airport bills itself as the airport for Ukraine’s Southeast.

Located on the Donetsk Highway, Zaporizhia airport bills itself as the airport for Ukraine’s Southeast. On July 1, the Cabinet of Ministers decided not to reopen for civilian flights the airport in Mariupol, the largest city on the Azov. Hours earlier, 30 km east of the city, separatists shelled a Ukrainian Army ambulance killing the driver and a doctor. BiznetTsenzor reports the Cabinet decided “that in the conditions of the existing Russian aggression it is not possible to guarantee the safety of passengers on a permanent basis.” Eighty km west of Mariupol, the Azov resort city of Berdyansk has a Soviet-era airport. But donors and Kyiv authorities resist investing in a second airport for Zaporizhia region.

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