Last year, Ukrainian developers started the construction of 70,000 apartments. Where was housing construction most active?

Monday, March 17, 2025
Last year, Ukrainian developers started the construction of 70,000 apartments. Where was housing construction most active?

The number of apartments in residential buildings at the initial stage of construction in Ukraine in 2024 was just 70,000. The ranking of regions where the most housing is being built is as follows:

  1. Kyiv region – 15,786 apartments
  2. Lviv region – 10,454
  3. Ivano-Frankivsk region – 6,129
  4. Vinnytsia region – 5,688
  5. Zakarpattia region – 5,117
  6. Volyn region – 3,597
  7. Rivne region – 3,569
  8. Khmelnytskyi region – 3,071
  9. Kyiv city – 2,920
  10. Zhytomyr region – 2,146

40% of these apartments are in private buildings, while 60% are in public apartment buildings. The leader in apartment building construction last year was also Kyiv region, which began building 7,626 apartments. It is followed by Lviv region – 7,142 apartments; Ivano-Frankivsk region – 4,155; Vinnytsia region – 3,955; and Zakarpattia region – 3,381.


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