Last year, Ukraine’s export of agricultural products to the EU decreased by 27.5%.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Last year, Ukraine’s export of agricultural products to the EU decreased by 27.5%.

According to Eurostat data, the total value of Ukrainian agricultural goods imported by the EU in 2023 decreased compared to 2022 by 27.5%, or by €3.6B, to €9.5B.

As a result, Ukraine’s share among EU importers was 5% last year against 7% in 2022. In the list of main importers, our country showed the biggest drop and left the top three, moving from the third to the fifth largest.

In general, the value of the EU’s foreign trade in agricultural goods last year decreased by 3.2% compared to 2022, or by €13.5B, to €410.9B. The negative dynamics were formed mainly by the drop in imports.

Eurostat notes that from 2013 to 2023, the EU increased trade in agricultural goods by 56.2%, corresponding to an average annual growth of 4.6%, while exports increased by 4.7% and imports by 4.4%.


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