Last year, gas production in Ukraine decreased by only 3%.

In 2022, state gas mining company Ukrgazvydobuvannya, despite the destruction and occupation of part of its production facilities in the east of the country, produced 12.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which is only 3% less than a year earlier. Moreover, as the company reported, they managed to drill 47 new wells, almost equal to the previous year’s figure. At the same time, the company’s drills set two drilling records for at least the last 15 years: monthly and daily penetration. It also performed 74 hydraulic fracturing operations and set another record, the most significant number of monthly operations by its fleet. The company also managed to keep the number of other functions at a high level: 191 well overhauls, 486 coiled tubing installation operations, and 2,333 geophysical operations. Also, 141 wells are equipped with mechanized mining systems, almost twice as many as in 2021.