Kyiv is to increase its parking spaces five fold – to 125,000 — by 2020

Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Kyiv is to increase its parking spaces five fold – to 125,000 — by 2020

Kyiv is to increase its parking spaces five fold – to 125,000 — by 2020, according to a plan adopted last week by the city council. Previously, national and foreign investors have proposed building parking garages in Ukraine’s major cities. Now, with the ticketing authority and new, albeit limited, towing powers, cities may offer financially viable conditions for garages.

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The Cohen Group plans to break ground in January on a $500 million trade and exhibition center on a 105-hectare site 13 km south of Kyiv

The Cohen Group plans to break ground in January on a $500 million trade and exhibition center on a 105-hectare site 13 km south of Kyiv

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