Japan will provide $188M in grants to Ukrainian businesses and hold a conference on demining Ukraine.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Japan will provide $188M in grants to Ukrainian businesses and hold a conference on demining Ukraine.

The Ministry of Economy and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has launched a project to transfer Japanese technologies to Ukraine, which Japan will fund. As part of the initiative, businesses will be able to receive a grant of up to $10M with a total project budget of $188M.

It aims to support the recovery of green industries and Ukraine’s long-term sustainable development through technology transfer. It also aims to jointly create enterprises in key industries with high growth potential and added value.

Within the framework of the project, support will be provided to agro-tech, production from biomass, and aid development of the circular economy, digital transformation, sustainable energy systems, energy savings, industrial decarbonization, energy infrastructure management, and climate risk mitigation and adaptation, green hydrogen/ammonia, increasing SME productivity and tech solutions in the smart logistics field.

In addition, Japan plans to hold an international conference on demining Ukraine in the fall of 2025. This year’s demining conference (UMAC2024) will be held in October in Switzerland.


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