International institutions are involved in the reconstruction of Ukraine’s housing sector, and the country has the capacity to produce 80% of the necessary building materials.

Friday, September 22, 2023
International institutions are involved in the reconstruction of Ukraine’s housing sector, and the country has the capacity to produce 80% of the necessary building materials.

According to Olena Shulyak, head of the Parliamentary Committee on Urban Planning, the World Bank is considering working with a compensation mechanism for destroyed housing.

The UNITED24 platform has collected funds to reconstruct destroyed buildings in the Kyiv region. The Zakarpattia authorities have developed a project where housing is financed from three sources: a third is provided by the military administration, another third by the community budget, and the rest by businesses operating in the community.

As well, as Shulyak noted, it is important to produce construction materials for reconstruction in Ukraine. As a result, $16B of added value will remain in the economy, and $5.6B of these funds will go to salaries. Therefore, it will be possible to keep 100,000 jobs and direct $1.5B of income to the Pension Fund.

Ukraine has 80% of the necessary production capacity for building materials, but some must be imported.

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