In September, the recovery in Ukraine’s production slowed down.

According to the Institute of Economic Research, the share of enterprises operating at almost full (75%-99%) and total capacity (100% and more) has been gradually decreasing for three months in a row (from 62% of respondents in June to 55% in September). At the same time, both the share of enterprises operating at full capacity and those not operating at all remain unchanged.
Generally, business uncertainty about the future is relatively high. 56% of respondents could not answer “What will happen with your company in two years?”. This is understandable, given the challenges of planning production activities with a long production cycle.
However, 44% of respondents were still able to predict their two-year prospects:
- plan to expand their activities by 25%
- and 5.9% want to narrow down activity
At the same time, optimism regarding production and exports decreased among some respondents:
- the share of enterprises planning production growth in the next 3-4 months fell from 47.6% to 41.7%
- the share of businesses reporting export growth also decreased – from 26.1% to 23.9%