In March, Ukrainian exports fell by almost 57.9% and imports by 75.8%.
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

In March 2022, compared with February 2022, seasonally adjusted exports decreased by 57.9% and imports by 75.8%. The seasonally adjusted foreign trade balance in March 2022 was positive and amounted to $819.4M, reported the Ukraine State Statistic Service. In February 2022, the balance was negative $969M. Comparatively, in the first quarter of 2022, exports of goods from Ukraine amounted to $14.1M, or 102.9% of the total from the first quarter of last year, and imports $14.1M, or 94.4%. The negative balance was $31.6M. The January-March period of 2021 was also negative, $1.3B.