How much industrial hemp will be grown in Ukraine in 2025?

Tuesday, March 25, 2025
How much industrial hemp will be grown in Ukraine in 2025?

Experts claim that, following the adoption of relevant legislation, the area planted with technical hemp in Ukraine could expand from the current 3,000 hectares in the Sumy, Zhytomyr, and Chernihiv regions to as much as 8,000 hectares.

“To establish a hemp production facility, we require only 7,000 to 8,000 hectares of industrial hemp crops. Thus, even a single agricultural producer could supply 8,000 hectares for the state,” experts assure.

However, they refrain from making hasty predictions due to environmental, political, and military risks, estimating that the actual area available for planting this year is around 4,500 hectares.

Technical hemp is cultivated in more than thirty countries globally. Currently, the production of raw industrial hemp materials and products takes place mainly in Asian countries, accounting for about 75% of global output. Europe holds only 15% of this share, yet it plays a significant role in the market due to the high added value of processed hemp products.

For Ukraine, exporting hemp to the EU is advantageous, as there is no import duty on this crop.


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