How is the Ukrainian agricultural sector improving logistics and optimizing business operations?

Agro-Region agroholding has reduced the cost of transporting grain and oilseed crops by 30% by creating its own fleet of 40 grain wagons, 25 of which the company received through the USAID grant program. Agro-Region transports the main volumes of its products by rail and road to ports, then exports them by sea.
At the same time, Adelaida, in cooperation with Ukreximbank and USAID, has launched a 10,000-ton potato storage facility with a processing plant in the Zhytomyr region. Potato processing will include cleaning and vacuuming.
Moreover, Agrain agroholding has modernized its grain receiving infrastructure at the Service Grain elevator complex in the Odesa region and laid a 200-meter railway branch to it, which allows shipping up to 30 wagons per day, making grain delivery to ports cheaper and faster. In addition, Service Grain has equipped three nodes for receiving grain from vehicles, particularly high-capacity vehicles. The complex is ready to receive up to 1,700 tons of grain per day, and its storage capacity has already reached 100,000 tons.