How did the largest players in grocery retail develop in 2023?

Ukraine’s top ten FMCG operators in terms of the total number of stores remained almost unchanged. Only one new player appeared in the list of leaders – the Marketopt chain of stores, which has 166 stores in seven regions.
In June 2023, the stable top three of ATB, Fozzy Group and VolWest Retail seemed steadfast. But by the end of the year, the Myasomarket chain (+76 stores) moved into third place in terms of the number of stores, supplanting VolWest Retail. The size of their network has increased to 269 locations.
In turn, the Fozzy Group opened 53 stores (+7%). The ATB company increased its number of stores in 2023 by 3.9% to 1,207.
The VolWest Group, which develops the Nash Kray and SPAR chains, showed a 4% increase. As of December, these two networks together had 259 locations – 10 more than in 2022.
At the same time, in 2023 Clever Stores, which opened 70 new stores, had the highest growth rate (+40.1%). The total number of its stores reached 234 locations.