Half of Ukrainians believe that corruption slows down business development.

This is the opinion of 47% of the surveyed participants in a study from the Democratic Initiatives Foundation. Among other potential difficulties, almost 37% of the survey participants called the destruction caused by the war an obstacle to business, more than 36% – an inadequate tax administration and control system, and almost 36% – a low level of state support. Problems that directly depend on the quality of public administration occupy three of the four first positions, which hinder entrepreneurship development, according to Ukrainians.
At the same time, the next negative impact on entrepreneurship is the outflow of specialists and entrepreneurs abroad (29%) and the outflow of employees abroad border (28%) the survey says.
At the same time, 78% of Ukrainians believe that the president of Ukraine has direct responsibility for eliminating corruption in the government and military administrations. Only 18% of respondents disagree with this statement.
However, Zelenskyy, in an interview with CNN, noted that corruption cases in Ukraine are unrelated to international aid, funds, or weapons from partners and allies. According to him, these are “other matters”.