Germany believes in Ukraine’s victory and has already collected almost €1B to strengthen its air defense.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Germany believes in Ukraine’s victory and has already collected almost €1B to strengthen its air defense.

During a visit to Kyiv on May 21, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said: “Our support is based on a deep belief that Ukraine will win this war. Germany, along with many other countries globally, firmly stands by Ukraine.”

Baerbock added that Germany has collected €1B through the global initiative to strengthen Ukrainian air defense. The German Foreign Ministry noted that the work is ongoing and that the initiative will also protect EU countries’ security from Russian aggression.

The minister is convinced that Ukraine’s place is in the EU and “Ukraine’s accession to the EU is a necessary geopolitical consequence of Russia’s aggressive war, which violates international law. Ukraine has made exceptional progress and is on the path to reforms despite Russia’s destructiveness. Now it is important to strengthen our efforts to improve our efforts on judicial reform, the fight against corruption, and media freedom.”


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