Experts confirm the recovery of consumer lending in Ukraine.

According to the NBU, as of March 1, 2024 the portfolio of bank loans to individuals amounted to ₴230.9B, 12.1% more than on the same date last year. For comparison, as of March 1, 2022, customer debt for issued loans amounted to ₴255.6B. This means that the overall lending market has not yet fully recovered.
At the same time, ROZETKA, one of Ukraine’s largest marketplaces, states that in 2023 electronic appliance lending returned to 2021’s level. This followed a significant drop in 2022. Ukrainians again began to actively buy equipment and electronics on credit.
“Lending will continue to grow because we are observing an increase in the share of loans in atypical categories for lending – clothing, shoes and accessories, household goods,” ROZETKA comments.
Director of the Financial Broker company, Tetyana Vikanova, notes that now the share of loans in the total volume of sales reaches 30%, while at the time of consumer lending’s revival, it was only 5%.