European industrialists state they need to import sugar and chicken from Ukraine.

Friday, March 21, 2025
European industrialists state they need to import sugar and chicken from Ukraine.

During a hearing in the European Parliament on the benefits of agricultural trade between Ukraine and the EU, a representative from the Association of European Industrial Sugar Users (CIUS) mentioned that Europe faces a chronic sugar deficit and requires two to three million tons annually. As a result, Ukrainian sugar plays a crucial role in ensuring supply stability and maintaining a positive balance in European agri-food exports.

Between 2022 and 2024 alone, the EU imported nearly one million tons of Ukrainian sugar, which helped preserve over 400,000 jobs in the 15,000 companies that CIUS represents.

Furthermore, a representative from the European Meat Trade and Meat Processing Industry Association (UECBV) highlighted that local production often falls short of meeting the demand for certain types of meat, particularly chicken filet. Sustaining existing trade volumes between Ukraine and the EU is not just about economic benefit but also about maintaining food market stability.

However, the EC plans to reduce imports of Ukrainian sugar following complaints from EU farmers of a price collapse attributed to large supplies.


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