European companies are interested in Ukraine and are not planning to leave the market.

Many German companies operating in Ukraine are planning new investments despite the war, and only 8% of companies will curtail investment, according to the German-Ukrainian Chamber of Foreign Trade.
About 42% of the surveyed 142 enterprises expect an improvement in Ukraine’s economic situation during the year. Meanwhile, 48% believe that the situation in Ukraine will not change, and the remaining 10% fear that it will worsen.
In assessing the Ukrainian business climate, companies’ opinions were divided: 24% called it good, the same number called it bad, and 52% called it “neither good nor bad.” At the same time, 50% consider access to the Ukrainian market as a chance to do business. From the point of view of long-term investment, 53% think the war to be the most serious challenge, 38% – the safety of workers, and 31% – corruption.
At the same time, Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs reported that most Swiss companies who operated in Ukraine before the Russian invasion continue to work, although they are forced to reduce the scope of their activities due to the challenges of doing business in wartime. However, there is interest in continuing to work in Ukraine.