Editor’s note:
Yesterday, we spoke about the pandemic in Ukraine and the impact of COVID on the whole country. We are not alone. During the past 18 months, international manufacturers have been struggling with the supply chain, and their logistic network not meeting existing demand. Raw materials are increasing in price, and not received on time. Leading to production slows downs, or it’s complete stopping. End-users and customers do not receive their final product and the chain reaction commences. The end result is price increases across all industries and a shortage of supply. We clearly see how the whole system started falling down in a domino effect. The impact of Covid-19 worldwide will not only affect health but the economy of nations for decades. The international economy is no longer the well-oiled machine, but one subject to the frailty of a public health emergency. If you had asked us about this happening two or three years ago, well I would not have believed the scenario could occur. Stay safe! Best Regards, UBN Editorial Board.