Earnings from Ukrainian enterprises reached a 10-year record of $19.8B.

The cumulative financial result of Ukrainian enterprises for 2023 amounted to more than ₴863.8B (about $19.8B). This is the best indicator in the last 10 years, said Danylo Hetmantsev, Head of the parliament’s Finance Committee.
As he clarified, 71% of economic entities, which earned a total of ₴1.34T, were profitable, and 29% were unprofitable, with losses of ₴476.2B ($12B). A positive financial result was recorded in 14 out of 15 sectors of the economy. Only the education sector was unprofitable.
However, Hetmantsev emphasized that these indicators should not be overstated. This is because more than 40% of the total profit was generated by financial and insurance activities, primarily the ₴346.5B from the banking sector. The real sector generated ₴410.5B in total annual profit.
In addition, there are industries with unprofitable enterprises in the real sector, with total losses reaching ₴386.2B, 81.1% of the total indicator for unprofitable enterprises.
In other words, the ten-year record was accomplished mainly by financial institutions, a parliament member said.