Donors will provide Ukraine €0.5B for demining, and Ukraine will offer partners sectors for demining.

In particular, Switzerland will allocate more than €100M over the next four years, the Ministry of Economy reported. In addition, the Government of Switzerland plans to hold the Second International Donor Conference on Humanitarian Demining of Ukraine next year.
As Minister of Economy Yuliya Svyridenko said, Ukraine strives to clear its territory of mines as soon as possible and return these lands to economic productivity. Currently, more than 170,000 hectares are potentially contaminated. Also, Ukraine wants to offer partners the ability to take under their patronage specific directions or areas in which to concentrate their work.
“We will form and offer partners ‘package’ directions, for example, demining of critical infrastructure, electrical networks, forests, underwater demining, etc.,” clarified Svyridenko.
It should be noted that 34 partner states confirmed a total amount of €500M for Ukraine’s demining at the dedicated conference in Zagreb.