Despite the war, over 75% of Ukrainian companies have returned to full-time work.

In October 2023, 77% of EBA member companies declared that they were operating at full capacity. The number of businesses that say they have limited operations due to the war has fallen from 53% in October 2022 to 23%. The number of companies fully meeting their wage payment obligations remained consistently high in 2023. Their number increased from 89% at the beginning of the year to 93% in October. At the same time, 14% pay bonuses or advance payments to employees.
Corporate financial stability also remain stable during 2023. Currently, 48% of surveyed companies have a financial cushion for more than a year, 11% for a year, 28% for six months, and 3% for several months. Only 2% of businesses lack any financial reserves.
For 39% of respondents, their business losses from the war at the end of 2023 reached $1M, 32% with losses in the $1-10M range, and 14% had more than $10M in losses.