Cooperation in the agricultural sector, recovery, and security: Results from the meeting between Zelenskyy and Modi.

Monday, August 26, 2024
Cooperation in the agricultural sector, recovery, and security: Results from the meeting between Zelenskyy and Modi.

 President Zelenskyy, during the talks with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, discussed issues related to bilateral and multilateral cooperation; the parties agreed on four cooperation agreements in the medical, agricultural, humanitarian, and cultural spheres.

The five-year cooperation agreement in the agriculture and food industry aims to expand mutually beneficial cooperation, create favorable conditions for market relations, and increase both countries’ national food security. An Indian humanitarian grant aid memorandum expands economic and technical cooperation between the countries.

In addition, it defines the framework conditions for the next five years for India’s assistance in implementing projects, particularly in reconstruction and rehabilitation. During his visit to Kyiv, India’s foreign minister also said that Modi called for practical and effective cooperation between all stakeholders in developing solutions to restore peace and that India is ready to contribute to sustainable peace.

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