Construction in Ukraine grew by 23.8% in the first three quarters of 2024.

Last year, every fifth Ukrainian developer joined eOselya, the state’s affordable housing lending program, and sold real estate under the program that was in the construction stage. In the first nine months of 2024, construction in Ukraine grew by 23.8%. Also, tax revenue from developers in the first half of last year increased by 120%. In 2024, eOselya partner banks accredited 160 new objects under construction from 75 developers.
According to calculations by construction companies, in 2024 the Ukrainian construction market, in monetary terms, grew by 6% compared to 2023 and amounted to approximately ₴170B (€3.9B). The most attractive areas for construction remain the Kyiv and Lviv regions. The hotel real estate segment showed the most remarkable growth in the commercial construction market, growing by 182%.
Demand in the primary residential real estate market increased by 12% in 2024.
At the same time, the cost of construction materials and services increased by approximately 24% over the past year.