Congress did not approve aid to Israel without Ukraine, and Biden accuses Republicans of playing along with Putin.

On February 6, the House of Representatives of the US Congress did not support Speaker Mike Johnson’s bill to provide military aid to Israel without assistance to Ukraine. Notably, 250 congressmen voted against the draft law, and 180 supported it.
A two-thirds majority of votes was required to pass the decision. Most Democrats condemned it and called it a “political stunt” that has “little to do with Israel’s right to self-defense.”
US President Joe Biden urged lawmakers to pass a bipartisan immigration bill that also includes aid to Ukraine, including much of what Republicans have been demanding on immigration. Biden emphasized the urgent need to approve $60B in aid to Ukraine.
“To support this draft law is to oppose Putin. To be against this draft law means to play into his hands,” he said.
Biden accused Trump of stalling the bill because he wanted to use the immigration crisis against Biden in the 2024 election campaign.