Businesses in Ukraine are ready to expand their staffs and raise employee salaries.

According to EBA data, 58% of companies predict positive development dynamics in 2024. At the same time, 29% of directors of EBA member businesses expect to maintain business indicators in 2024, and 13% predict negative dynamics.
At the same time, most managers expect income growth in 2024: 72% expect an increase in hryvnia value and 55% in terms of volume. In particular, 35% of respondents expect an increase of up to 10%, and 25% – by 11-20%. For 2024 budgets, company heads set the value of the national currency at UAH 41/$1.
Two out of every five managers plan to hire new people next year, but almost half of the companies (48%) will leave their teams unchanged, and 12% plan to reduce staff. Also, 87% of companies will increase their employee wages.
The number of companies planning to implement new investment projects increased from 19% to 26%. The average cost of planned projects has also increased, to $8M. The number of companies planning investments in social initiatives has also increased – from 60% to 65%.