Businesses in high military risk zones receive 20% of available loans.

Every fifth loan under the state program Affordable Loans was issued to a business operating in a zone of high military risk. Since the beginning of the year, loans worth ₴27.3B have been issued to almost 7,000 entrepreneurs under this program.
The most popular purpose for borrowing was the replenishment of working capital (₴10.7B). ₴5.6B was received by businesses operating in a zone of high military risk; ₴4.7B was received by processing enterprises; ₴4.9B was allocated to implementing investment projects.
Entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector take loans more often than others – 48%. This is followed by wholesale and retail trade – 25% and the processing industry – 17%.
In the regional distribution of lending, the largest number of contracts were concluded in the Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Vinnytsia, and Poltava regions. The total number of loans issued since the beginning of the program has already reached 85,400 loans worth ₴292.2B ($7.3B).