Britain will help a Ukrainian company build a plant to produce green hydrogen with a capacity of 8,000 tons per year with a €300-400M investment.

The InnovateUkraine program, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain, will support the creation of eight GW of green hydrogen production capacity in Ukraine. Voden Ukrainy LLC (Hydrogen of Ukraine) plans to build a plant in the south of Odesa through its H2U initiative. Britain will finance 70% of the cost of the comprehensive technical and economic feasibility study for the plant’s construction, and the rest will be covered by the company.
The feasibility study will examine the construction of a 120 MW solar power plant, an 80 MW wind power plant, a 100 MW electrolysis plant, and a hydrogen pipeline that will connect Ukraine with consumers in the EU. In the first stage, the plan is to produce up to 8,000 tons of hydrogen per year and then oxygen and methanol; the company will start building the plant two years after conducting its research.
The presence of a complex technical and economic justification will allow the company to attract external investments. According to preliminary estimates, investment in the project will amount to €300-400M.