As Ukrainians move from print to screens, one of the nation’s largest newspapers, Segodnya, or Today, ends its 150,000 copy print edition on Sept. 27.

Thursday, September 5, 2019
As Ukrainians move from print to screens, one of the nation’s largest newspapers, Segodnya, or Today, ends its 150,000 copy print edition on Sept. 27.

As Ukrainians move from print to screens, one of the nation’s largest newspapers, Segodnya, or Today, ends its 150,000 copy print edition on Sept. 27. The owner, Rinat Akhmetov’s Media Group Ukraine, says the Segodnya brand will live on as a news site and a TV news show. Rising printing costs, disappearing kiosks and the phasing out of postal discounts, make newspapers unprofitable in modern Ukraine, media analysts say.

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