An updated visa-free transport agreement should eliminate tensions between Ukrainian carriers and the EU.

Monday, June 24, 2024
An updated visa-free transport agreement should eliminate tensions between Ukrainian carriers and the EU.

The signed agreement on the liberalization of cargo transportation between Ukraine and the EU contains clear obligations for all parties and necessary measures that will prevent misunderstandings between transporters of Ukraine and European countries, European Commissioner for Transport Adina Valean said.

“I am sure that in the future, we will not see any misunderstandings from the transport community regarding cross-border transport operations between Ukraine and EU countries,” she emphasized.

Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Serhiy Derkach said that the renewed agreement allows the suspension of its operation for up to three months “in case of a threat to the two-way transportation market in a separate geographical area.” If the carriers of an EU country suffer economic disturbances as a result of the agreement, then this country can turn to the EC with a proposal to suspend the agreement within the region where the problem arose, but transit will remain. Moreover, no country will be able to make such a decision independently. This requires the agreement of a majority of EU countries.


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