An agreement on aid for Ukraine will be reached next week, as Biden makes concessions.

As the White House has reported, US President Joe Biden held a confidential meeting with Congressional leaders to discuss Ukraine’s urgent need for further assistance.
“Lawmakers are expected to consider a bipartisan deal on funding Ukraine and border security next week,” the Biden administration said.
According to the WSJ, Biden agreed to concessions on immigration reform in order to facilitate approval for the Ukrainian aid package, which has led some to level criticism at Biden ahead of the US election.
“Biden’s willingness to negotiate with Republicans demonstrates what many liberal Democrats have long feared, that he is willing to move to the right to strike a deal on immigration,” the newspaper said.
The Republican Party says the cornerstone issue remains the dispute over the president’s authority to release migrants detained at the border early. The Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, believes that a compromise will ultimately be reached. The Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer, also delivered an optimistic forecast.