Almost all Ukrainian businesses resort to tax optimization schemes.

70% of Ukrainian companies are not satisfied with the current tax system, and up to 90% of enterprises resort to optimization schemes, shows a survey by the InfoSapiens agency.
In total, 56% of respondents believe it is impossible to work efficiently and pay all taxes without resorting to load optimization. 58% of micro-businesses share the same opinion. Only 9% claim that work in their industries without tax optimization is still possible. And every third respondent confirmed this with reservations: “Yes, to some extent.”
Tax optimization is the reduction of tax liability through purposeful and lawful actions by the taxpayer, which include the full use of all benefits, tax exemptions, and other legal advantages provided by the law.
Under the proposed 10-10-10 tax reform, Ukrainian entrepreneurs hope that the value-added and profit taxes will decrease to 10% and salary taxation will decrease to at least 20%.