Aggressively pumping natural gas into Ukraine’s underground storage facilities, Naftogaz reached the 45% mark on Saturday, with 14 billion cubic meters in storage

Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Aggressively pumping natural gas into Ukraine’s underground storage facilities, Naftogaz reached the 45% mark on Saturday, with 14 billion cubic meters in storage

Aggressively pumping natural gas into Ukraine’s underground storage facilities, Naftogaz reached the 45% mark on Saturday, with 14 billion cubic meters in storage. Naftogaz CEO Andriy Kobolyev says the company needs to borrow money to top off the tanks — 20 bcm total. At that level, Ukraine will have enough gas for next winter and will approach the September gas transit talks with Gazprom from a stronger bargaining hand. Last year, Ukraine consumed 32.3 bcm of gas, of which 10.6 bcm was imported.

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