After joining the EU, Ukraine will be entitled to €186B in aid.

As the FT writes, this amount could be allocated to Ukraine within seven years. Calculations by the General Secretariat of the Council of Europe, a body representing the governments of the bloc’s 27 member states, show that with the arrival of nine new members, the EU budget will increase by 21% to €1.47T.
According to current EU rules, Ukraine will receive €96.5B within the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (SAP) framework over seven years. Ukraine will also be entitled to €61B from the EU’s unification funds, meant to improve infrastructure in the poorest EU member states. According to FT estimates, with nine new member states, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Cyprus, and Malta will lose their rights to this funding.
Ukraine’s influence on EU agricultural subsidies will be the greatest. Ukraine will become the largest aid recipient in the bloc with 41.1 million hectares of agricultural land in use, overtaking France in second place. This means that payments to existing recipients will be reduced by 20% per hectare of agricultural land.